Joint Pain

"Being able to walk pain free is a blessing."



Joint Pain

Being able to walk pain free is a blessing.

Once upon a time, joint pain was considered a disease of old age persons but nowadays this problem has become common among the youth as well.

Many different conditions can lead to painful joints, including strains, sprains, arthritis and other injuries. Age, physical activity level and family medical history are all risk factors of joint pain.

According to ayurveda The bones are considered to be the main place of Vata Dosha and shleshak kapha (subtype of kapha dosha or synovial fluid) lubricates the joints. Sometimes Vata dosha gets aggravated due to incompatible diet, and due to this the gastric fire slows down and formation of toxic substances (aam vish) occurs in the body. These toxic substances and vitiated vata dosha together give a feeling of pain in the bones and joints. In ayurveda there's a lot of medicines which helps in repair and regeneration of the cartilage. Snehan (special pre-panchkarma procedure) helps in lubrication of the joints. Thus ayurvedic treatments are exceptionally effective in joint pain.