Kidney Disorders

"Healthy kidney healthy you."



Kidney Disorders

"Healthy kidney healthy you"

The kidneys are the main excretory organs of our body. The functions of the kidneys are to remove toxic substances (waste products of metabolic processes) and excess fluid from the body and to regulate the amount of water, minerals and nutrients in the body.

According to ayurveda, the kidneys are described as 'mutravaha srotas', which get contaminated by taking antagonistic food (Viruddhaahara), by stopping the flow of urine, by weakening of the body, or by trauma to the urinary tract.Some other diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, glomerulonephritis and overuse of medicines also damage the kidneys.

If the patient is not cure even with the use of medicines, then dialysis or kidney transplant are adopted as the last option, which surely provide protection against more damage to the kidney, but are not able to rejuvenate.

Whereas Ayurvedic medicines not only give relief from the disease but also help in rejuvenating the kidney. Therefore, if you are suffering from inflammation, fluid retention, glomerulonephritis in the body, then adopt Ayurveda, and avoid kidney damage.